
Curriculum Guide

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Languages: French or Italian

Year 10

Language study involves the continuation of the core forms of written, spoken and creative tasks whilst greater emphasis is placed upon written and spoken response work. Studies in this area may include technology and social media, the environment and migration, all topics relevant to current concerns. Students engage with texts more deeply to discuss and analyse the language and cultural significance of the texts studied. Film study, including analysis, is also introduced at this year level. Students are encouraged to participate in the competitive activities available to them.

Year 7 French

1 of 12

Year 7 Italian

2 of 12

Year 8 French

3 of 12

Year 8 Italian

4 of 12

Year 9 French

5 of 12

Year 9 Italian

6 of 12

Year 10 French

7 of 12

Year 10 Italian

8 of 12

Stage 1 French (Continuers)

9 of 12

Stage 1 Italian (Continuers)

10 of 12
Stage 2 French (Continuers) 11 of 12

Stage 2 Italian (Continuers)

12 of 12